by Alexis Luckey | Aug 24, 2018 | Blogs, Farmworkers, News, Pesticides
(Image: Earthjustice) It’s been almost 20 years since an epidemiological study of farmworkers in California began providing staggering evidence of detrimental health impacts for children exposed to organophosphate pesticides in utero. The project, still underway, has...
by Alexis Luckey | Jul 21, 2017 | Blogs, Farmworkers, Indigenous rights
By Patricia Patterson, Policy Advocacy Intern Just twenty minutes outside of Raleigh, North Carolina is a white house with blue shutters, blue doors. The exterior of the house is composed of an eroding material that seems to eat at itself from the inside out. I...
by Alexis Luckey | Jul 19, 2017 | Blogs, Farmworkers
By Patricia Patterson, Policy Advocacy Intern In December of 2016, Gina McCarthy—the former administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA—delivered a letter to the current administration of the EPA, petitioning a delay in the...
by Alexis Luckey | Jun 26, 2017 | Farmworkers, NC Pesticide Board Meetings, News
Notes by Patricia Patterson, Policy Advocacy Intern, Toxic Free NC In attendance: Dr. Rick Langley (Chairman); Dr. Allen Scarborough (Vice Chairman); Dr. Colleen Hudak-Wise; Dr. Benson Kirkman; Mr. Don Rogers; Mr. Shawn Harding; Mr. Pat Jones (Substitute for the...
by Alexis Luckey | Mar 27, 2017 | Farmworkers, NC Pesticide Board Meetings, Neonicotinoids, Pollinators
In attendance: Dr. Allen Scarborough (Vice Chair and presiding); Dr. Colleen Hudak-Wise; Dr. Benson Kirkman; Mr. Shawn Harding; Mr. Don Rodgers; Mr. Jim Burnette (Secretary) Not in attendance: Dr. Rick Langley (Chair) Consider Board Minutes from December 12, 2016 Mr....
by Alexis Luckey | Dec 21, 2016 | Farmworkers, News, Press Release
Contact: Lori Ann Burd, Center for Biological Diversity, (971) 717-6405, Jeannie Economos, Farmworker Association of Florida, (407) 886-5151, Preston Peck, Toxic Free North Carolina, (919) 833-1123,...