A word about Zika in North Carolina

A word about Zika in North Carolina

Zika and the insecticides being used to address the threat of spread, are of major concern for us at Toxic Free NC. The organophosphate insecticide widely used in South Florida and responsible for the recent bee kill in South Carolina is also toxic to humans. For...
Food Safety is a Corporate Responsibility

Food Safety is a Corporate Responsibility

Originally published on August 4, 2016 on NC Child’s blog By Preston Peck and Tom Vitaglione Toxic Free and NC Child have joined with concerned parents and local health advocates to ask major retailers to stop selling canned foods packaged with toxic bisphenol A...
The Bee’s Buck Stops with Bayer

The Bee’s Buck Stops with Bayer

The following is an article written by Toxic Free NC policy intern, Elisa Lazzarino: Published in The Technician on June 11, 2016. Elisa Lazzarino, Guest Columnist Bayer is a chemical giant with a more than century of history, and is responsible for the production of...
Stock Options Limiting Crop Options

Stock Options Limiting Crop Options

Last week it was announced that Chinese state-run company, ChemChina, would buy Swiss agrochemical company, Syngenta, for $43 billion making it China’s largest outbound acquisition ever. This will also be the world’s largest chemical sector buyout in history and the...