by Alexis Luckey | Jun 29, 2018 | Neonicotinoids, News, Pesticides, Pollinators
Is there a “safe” level of chlorpyrifos residue on food for children? NO. Yesterday, US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand proposed an amendment to the Senate version of the Farm Bill that would prohibit public schools from serving fruits and vegetables that contain ANY...
by Alexis Luckey | Jun 20, 2017 | Beekeepers, Blogs, Pollinators
By Patricia Patterson, Toxic Free NC Policy Advocacy Intern In July of 2015, among growing concern for pollinator populations and the need for growers and beekeepers to communicate more effectively about pesticide application, the North Carolina Department of...
by Alexis Luckey | Mar 27, 2017 | Farmworkers, NC Pesticide Board Meetings, Neonicotinoids, Pollinators
In attendance: Dr. Allen Scarborough (Vice Chair and presiding); Dr. Colleen Hudak-Wise; Dr. Benson Kirkman; Mr. Shawn Harding; Mr. Don Rodgers; Mr. Jim Burnette (Secretary) Not in attendance: Dr. Rick Langley (Chair) Consider Board Minutes from December 12, 2016 Mr....
by Alexis Luckey | Sep 15, 2016 | Beekeepers, NC Pesticide Board Meetings, Neonicotinoids, Pollinators
In attendance: Dr. Rick Langly (Chair); Dr. Allen Scarborough (Vice Chair); Dr. Colleen Hudak-Wise; Dr. Benson Kirkman; Mr. Shawn Harding; Mr. Jim Burnette (Secretary) Not in attendance: Mr. Don Rodgers Ethics Reminder Dr. Langley read the mandatory ethics...
by Alexis Luckey | Jul 14, 2016 | Farmworkers, NC Pesticide Board Meetings, Neonicotinoids, Pollinators
Board members present: Dr. Colleen Hudak-Wise, Dr. Ricky Langley (Chair), Dr. Thomas Scarborough (Vice-Chair), Shawn Harding, Don Rodgers, Dr. W. Benson Kirkman The July 12, 2016 meeting of the North Carolina Pesticide Board began with a reading of the Mandatory...
by Alexis Luckey | Jun 21, 2016 | Beekeepers, News, Pollinators
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Local contact: Preston Peck, 919-833-1123 (O); 256-483-9503 (C), National contact: Tiffany Finck-Haynes, (202) 222-0715, Communications contact: Kate Colwell, (202) 222-0744,