Help us support North Carolina’s beekeepers, farmers, and others that MUST Keep the Hive Alive!

Bees and beekeepers across the U.S. and the world are in trouble.  Once again, beekeepers reported an unsustainable colony loss at 44% for 2015-2016.  While there are many contributing factors, one that scientists continue to point out is the extensive use of systemic insecticides, specifically neonicotinoids, in our agricultural production.  The EPA has failed us in regulating these bee-killing pesticides, the USDA continues to suppress science showing their effects, and Congress has not passed a meaningful piece of legislation to adequately protect pollinators and the $24 billion they contribute to our agricultural industry every year. Furthermore, pesticide-producing companies like Bayer Crop Science continue to manufacture these pesticides at alarming rates.  Beekeepers, scientists, farmers, and activists are coming together from across the nation to join together to say enough is enough, and we must Keep the Hives Alive!

That’s why Toxic Free NC is hosting a rally and press conference right here in North Carolina in Research Triangle Park outside of Bayer Crop Science’s North American Headquarters on Monday, June 20th, at 11:00AM.  This will bring attention from across the country to North Carolina and the problems beekeepers, farmers, and others are facing every day here, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!  This event will cost Toxic Free NC $2,500 for materials, outreach to partners, and transportations from supporters that have committed to join us from Asheville and Charlotte.

Will you contribute $10, $25, $50, or $100 today to Keep the Hives Alive?